Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Generally, horror films are set in dark, scary or abandoned places - they often vary depending on the type of horror it is and the characters in it. Here are some typical settings:
  • Woodland
  • Old abandoned house
  • Subway
  • Street at night
  • Deserted car park
  • Castle
  • Graveyard

and some typical horror VILLAINS:

  • Ghosts
  • Murderers
  • Vampires
  • Psychos
  • Devil/other supernatural beings

We have decided on a Woodland setting for our film as this has natural connotations for scary films, and we dont have a large abandoned castle. We have decided our villain to be your typical psycho you'd expect in any teen horror movie, which you'd expect to prey in scary wooded areas where teenagers go walking.
We have chosen to add a twist to the end of the film...


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