Thursday, April 30, 2009

Sh00tin' scripttttttt.

First shooting script from our first filming.
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We have uploaded all our footage onto the computer. We have to make the clip just below or over two minutes long. We have done alot of shots that were too long so we have cut these clips and edited them together. We have used a variety of different camera angles and shooting. This will be explained in our evaluation. We have put the majority of our film in black and white as it is a horror. We have also used a range of music,sounds and effects.

Tomorrow is the final day to finish our courseeeeework! So we will be finishing editing and finish the blog:)


Storyboard & filming.


As our chosen genre for our film is horror we have decided to film in a woods before it goe's dark. We have filmed several times at different times of the day and in different locations.
When we first filmed we filmed in the woods at night time. All of our group took turns at filming and acting.
The second time we filmed we did close ups during the day in a different location these shots were not as sucessful because the camera was shakey because we didnt use a tripod.
The third time we filmed was in the same location as the second, this time we used two other people to act in it. We also used a tripod during filming.

We have now uploaded all our footage on the computer and are ready to edit.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Generally, horror films are set in dark, scary or abandoned places - they often vary depending on the type of horror it is and the characters in it. Here are some typical settings:
  • Woodland
  • Old abandoned house
  • Subway
  • Street at night
  • Deserted car park
  • Castle
  • Graveyard

and some typical horror VILLAINS:

  • Ghosts
  • Murderers
  • Vampires
  • Psychos
  • Devil/other supernatural beings

We have decided on a Woodland setting for our film as this has natural connotations for scary films, and we dont have a large abandoned castle. We have decided our villain to be your typical psycho you'd expect in any teen horror movie, which you'd expect to prey in scary wooded areas where teenagers go walking.
We have chosen to add a twist to the end of the film...


More experimenting with camera shots/angles

We have experimented further with camera shots after completing our storyboard to see how they worked 'in real life'. We found that although handheld camera was shaky this was appropriate for some of the chase scenes as it creates a mood and makes the audience feel in touch with the action.
We have seen it in films such as the Blair Witch Project, and also Cloverfeild - in both cases the hand held camera was effective and makes the film more scary.

In our story board we are planning to have a lot of fast paced editing as this will increase tension and the speed of the film especially during the chase scenes. We have seen this when researching in films such as Psycho. We are planning to have a variety of camera shots - long, medium and closeups, it will increase pace in the film.
